One of the best verses I have ever memorized: Jeremiah 9:23-24
This is what the LORD says:
"Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,"
Every time I read this section, it drives home to me how much God really desires me to know him. He wants me to boast that I understand Him and that I know Him. What does He want me to understand and know about Him? That He delights in kindness, justice and righteousness.
Read these verses again; let them sink in. The God of the universe wants us to know who He is; He wants us to boast that we understand Him.
Notice the contrast between what we tend to boast about - being smart, being strong and having money - and what the God of the universe delights in - being kind, being just and doing what is right. Boasting in Him and what He delights in should drive out all the other things that we typically boast about - wisdom, strength and money.
Every time I read these verses, I am moved to worship. It is incomprehensible to me that the Lord wants me to know Him. I hope that as you meditate on these verses, they drive you to worship too.
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